Saturday, October 18, 2008

So what am I supposed to write?

1. Vacationing with Jared and Courtney was fun, but we learned a sad truth. We are olllllllldddd!! We would come back after a full day, have some dinner, and Courtney would say, " Ok, we are off to Wonderworks! It's open until midnight!" Off we would go, and we would stay until, (you guessed it), midnight. Then we would be up bright and early for the morning events of the next day. I had to spend three days back at work before I felt that I had recovered.

2. No, I did no get up to go to the 7AM session at the temple on my VACATION!! Do I look crazy to you? I will sign up to be a temple worker when they finally set up 8PM to midnight sessions for those of us, (normal people), not disposed to watch the sunrise.

Also, the actual story of our Sunday drive to church involved Courtney yelling "This is your turn!!!", me obeying her and turning, and then me calmly saving our lives with some spectacular, skillful driving. Actually, the last part is exaggerated. We were never in any danger. (Love you darling Courtney!)

3. Ok, I am voting for McCain, but I have to express my reservations. He is not the same man who I supported in 2000, as he has opted to change many of his core principals to satisfy the Republican base. He has also made an irresponsible decision by chosing a completely unqualified running mate. Nevertheless, I fear what an overwhelmingly Democratic congress could do with no president willing to cast a veto. I think we proved between 2001 and 2006, that it is bad for the country to have both the presidency and the congress controlled by the same party. Nevertheless, I know that many in our family will probably vote for Mr. Obama, and I don't blame them. Something does need to change.

4. Mom and I are down significantly in our 403-B, (401-K for teachers), plans over the last year. Who wants to let us live in their basement? Actually, we are not too concerned. We are going to leave our money in the market, since we don't think we will need it immediately, even after we retire. If history is any indicator, the market will come back. If it doesn't, we will be a little thriftier. Unless things become significantly more dire, we plan to retire in June of 2010.

5. My grandchildren absolutely rock!!


Megann said...

Wow, I'm priviledged to be the first to comment on your awesome blog. Great post. Gave me a lot to think about.
I'm glad you still love Courtney...and I agree, your grandkids rock!

Dez said...

cool blog! It's about time you started one! I look forward to reading it and have no doubt that it will be both entertaining and informative!

P.S. I know you are really voting for McCain because you secretly admire Sara Palin so much! ;)

courtney said...

I think we were all in a happier place once Jared and I took over the opperation of the car.

Not only do the grandkids rock, but the grandparents rock as well!